Mittwoch, 2. Dezember 2009

use mouse gestures in fvwm2/suse

easystroke is a wonderful program that lets you record mouse gestures and executes
commands based on them.
In conjunction with a special definition in .fvwm2rc you can specify any action
to be executed. For example to switch to a special window on the desktop:
in .fvwm2rc:
Key Pause A N FocusWindowNumber 8
-> switches to the window remembered on position 8
PipeRead 'for i in `seq 0 9`; do echo Key $i A MC AssignNumberToCurrentWindow $i; done'
->remembers the window and stores it on position 8

in easystroke define key "Pause" to a gesture of your choice.

If executing that gesture the window 8 is switched to.